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Your domain name is the address of your business or organisation on the internet. Don’t choose it casually. Once you have chosen this address it won’t be very easy to change it because you would have invested a lot in it. Think domain purchasing and renewal costs, contacts who already know your address and loss of traffic to your already known address.

So how exactly do you choose a domain name? This infographic helps you come up with the best possible domain name.

1. Use keywords

Your domain name doesn’t have to be your business name. Try using keywords that describe your business services or brand. For example, if you’re based in Harare and you want to be known for your unsurpassed quality, “bestbakeryinharare.com” is a great option.

2. Be memorable

With millions of web addresses in use, make yours catchy and memorable. Need ideas? Try a name discovery tool to help you brainstorm domain name ideas.

3. Use an appropriate domain name extension

Domain extensions (e.g. .com, .net, .co.zw) can have specific uses, so make sure to choose one that is aligned with your business, is credible, and is widely recognized. Customers should feel safe visiting your website, so a domain name extension your customers know and trust is important.

4. Protect and build your brand

Consider purchasing various domain extensions, as well as alternative spellings of your domain name.

tips for choosing domain name

Get a .com domain today!
